Step 1: Read the following articles.
- Ted Gup, “Empire of the Dead,” Smithsonian Magazine, April 2000.
- Tamara Venit Shelton, “Unmaking Historic Spaces: Urban Progress and the San Francisco Cemetery Debate, 1895-1937,” California History Vol. 85 (2008): 26-47, 69-70.
How to find the articles in the Albertsons Library databases:
Step 2: Answer the following questions. Again, you won’t need to turn in these notes, but you may find them valuable for the concept map assignment.
- In what ways are the Parisians’ and San Franciscans’ concerns about, and relocation of, dead bodies similar and different?
- What concerns did various San Franciscans’ have about cemeteries? What did those who wanted to remove them think was important? What about those who wanted to keep them in the city?
- What does the removal of cemeteries from a city suggest about what it values?