The Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge are two of the most iconic bridges in the United States. They both located on opposite sides of the country from each. These two bridges share quite a few similarities, but they are also very different. They are both cable suspension bridges with overall design very similar. Both of these bridges were built during two different time periods so there is going to be some major differences.
The Brooklyn Bridge was built in the late 1800’s and it kind of give you the attitude of the gothic era. The bricks and structures used are just a dark in color. The arch ways are what really set it apart from different bridges. They are large opening in which vehicles travel through but the design and texture of the arch ways is what set it apart from other bridges. When you picture the bridge across the Hudson River, those brick arch ways is always the image that sticks in my head. I believe those arch ways is what makes the bridge so iconic and standout.
The Golden Gate Bridge was built in the 1930’s which about 40 years later from when the Brooklyn Bridge was built. A lot had changed within those years. Technology advanced largely and structural designs were completely different. Looking at the Golden Gate Bridge I just see how extravagant it truly is. I believe when the architect designed this bridge they wanted it to be tall bright and iconic. That is exactly what this bridge is. When you think of San Francisco you think of the Bridge. One of the things that sets the Golden Gate Bridge apart in my mind is the color. Its a bright redish orange that you can see for miles. The beams that hold the bridge are a lot taller than those of the Brooklyn Bridge. I feel as though they wanted them to be extremely tall and show our architecture abilities. In the photo I was looking at, it feels as though the photographer wanted to capture the beautiful color of the bridge and just pure imagine of the bridge itself.
They have remodeled both bridges numerous times, but not once have they ever changed the overall appearance. These bridges are so iconic to their cities that they are something you just can’t alter. They are the hope and symbol of the cities. I strongly believe both of these cities value their history and value their iconic symbols that have helped shape their cities.
For some reason I didn’t even mention the color of the Golden Gate Bridge in my post. I honestly didn’t even think of it at all until I read what you wrote about its orange being a huge part of its design.