I have grown up in a very small rural town south of Nampa, along the snake river. It’s called Melba, ID. Living here has definitely influenced me to be a hard working person. To be where you want to be in life requires hard work. I still like to watch the news every night just to keep informed with everything going in the world. Also, I learn about alot of news on my phone as well.
I spend a lot of my time outdoors. When it’s winter time you can usually find my on the top of a mountain riding my snowmobile. I am definitely a snowmobile junky every moment I have time I will head up riding. When it’s summertime I will either be playing baseball or out fishing. Biggest thing I have learned about being outdoors is just to stop and slow down. There’s so much beauty we are surrounded by but we are always in such a hurry to get no where. Being on top of a mountain in the winter staring down on the valleys is just peaceful and humbling.
One of the biggest perspectives that has changed for me as I have grown up is just that nothing is ever given to you. You have to work and create a life for yourself. If you want to go out and experience things you have to do it yourself. I know I have been blessed to be able to work, go to school, and still pay for my toys to go out and play. One of the biggest things that changed my perspective is when I was going to school in Oregon playing baseball. Just meeting kids from different parts of the country, and how they have grown up compared to me. I have been spoiled to experience the little things in life and recognize them for what they are. My dad has probably played the biggest role on who I am today. My dad always taught me how to work hard and you will always be rewarded. It is not what you can take from this world, but what you can give back.