I think that Boise State courses are preparing me for the work force in terms of time management and commitment. It was taught me how to juggle everyday life and school and still being able to take care of myself for my needs and for my wants as well. It has given me the opportunity to potentially shadow and ultrasound tech this summer because of the connections that I have made.
I think this course would have definitely been a lot easier done in person. I only say because of the confusion I had during this semester and the topics never really seeming interesting to me, sad to say. I think personally, I would have been more motivated to complete things to the best of my ability if I was face to face with my professor instead of reading and trying to figure out what is expected from me or what point is supposed to be crossed over from my end to the reader. I think if the videos we were expected to watch or the material that we were supposed to retain were to be taught in a classroom setting, rather than wherever we were at the time it became convenient for us to work on our homework, it was have been able to stay locked away in my brain for further use a lot better.
I’m not saying this course was bad, because that is the opposite that it was. It was actually kind of interesting to learn about he Natives, and learned about certain other things, just did not catch my interest. I think highly of you and I respect the fact that your really do love what you do and it can be seen with how you present articles. Some people, history just isn’t a strong suit, and that is definitely my case here this semester.