Hi my name is Nick and this is my second year of college. I am currently pursuing a Electrical Engineering degree. I was born in California, moved to Boise when i was 7. Growing up in Idaho was not to bad, i did lots of snowboarding as a young teenager, also did lots of camping trips with my family. I spent most summers road tripping to some place with the family. Having done lots of outdoors activities and going to new places on road trips has really taught me to appreciate life and time with the family. After high school i got onto a very destructive path. At the age of 19 i joined the military, having since joined it really taught me that there are bigger things out there to worry about and deal with then just myself. I have always been an avid reader, it really started when i was in Jr High school. I will read anywhere from 2 to 6 books a year. I read science fiction mostly but will also pick up history and autobiography’s. I don’t really read the news to much, i get upset from the amount of violence in the world and also the level of stupidity of some people(common sense is not so common). So i spend my free time with my wife and kids, as much as i can because i leave the states a lot. When i get a chance i also do woodworking, little things mostly, but I did finish making my kids beds before Christmas.
Being in the military is the biggest lens I view the world and other people threw. I feel that it has made me specifically a better person. I am hoping to learn different ways to view the world, in the chance that it can make me a better person and leader.