From my understanding of our reading the large issue here is our diminishing global economy. The diminishing of global makes people do crazy things. People begin to steal, and commit crimes more often. There is also a lot more depression that society gets into which causes things such as drug use, suicide, abuse, etc. It really takes a toll on people lives and the way that our world operates. In this case Chicago was complete revenue, it was a good in to hopefully putting a lot more into the economy, although nothing ever seems to go as planned. Disaster happens and crime breaks loose and horrible things begin to happen to surrounding workers, everyone is shocked because it took a total turn. Chicago and holms were accused of wasting many lives in this project. The coming of these two stories that Larson did made things a lot more interesting, to be honest I didn’t want to learn about the building of The World Fair in Chicago but when you throw in a serial killer twist like that, you have my full attention on the subject, it was a great read and the characters that were used were very realistic, and they foreshadowed one another on multiple occasions keeper readers alert.
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