I decided to look at the religious structures. More specifically, I just looked at the religious structures mainly from the religions of Christianity and Islam. I analyzed the reading from class, watched the videos on the structures, and did additional research. On my concept map, I have each individual structure; Hagia Sophia, Great Cathedral of Cordoba, Taj Mahal, Great Mosque of Djenne. Under the structures I have some basic facts about them, when they were constructed, what they were made out of, what religion they were apart of, and the structure that they were made from. In the middle of my concept map, I have what these structures represent for their society. For each of the structures I analyzed, they represented and continue to represent wealth and power of their society. Some of these structures have been conquered by opposing religions because of their significance. I learned the Hagia Sophia was an inspiration to the Dome style of mosques, I also learned that the way that the buildings were designed was so that everyone could pray facing the same way. The architecture for the Hagia Sophia was a dome that came down on a square, it was an incredibly difficult structure to engineer. The Taj Mahal was built nearly the same way as the Hagia Sophia was. Many of these structures were built from marble, which signifies how important these structures were to the community.
I like your point of view with this concept map! I agree that the use of extravagant materials like marble show the importance of a structure to its society. I did not know that the Taj Mahal was built in nearly the same way as the Hagia Sophia.