Although many of these cultures never met each other and came from different times, they all seem to have the need to construct huge monuments of expert engineering and craftsmanship. There seems to be a reoccurring theme with the purpose of each monument; and that is they all are dedicated to either a specific god or religion and they are all a meeting place to worship, pray and be social. These monuments are designed to last forever and be seen by people from faraway places. It seems almost as if human nature drives us to build bigger, better, and more beautiful dedications to our beliefs. These monuments all took many years and thousands of workers, engineers, craftsmen and laborers to assemble but once they were completed, they each became a jewel for each religion to own and worship in.
your concept map looks great. It’s very well organized and detailed. the only thing i think may be a bit confusing is that you don’t list the specific religions/cultures your actually talking about in the post. I think that might be a a bit helpful when others come to comment / view the post. other than that it looks really good.