This is an interesting blog post because it is something that is so easy and the more I think about it, it keeps getting more complex. I never would have thought of engineering as a term used in history, but I was obviously wrong. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The way that I would define engineering would be the way history is always changing, but also how cultures, temples, towns, etc are developed. An example would be our Thanksgiving post, although a lot of us had similar memories. We were being engineered, developed, and molded into a culture and the person we are now. Also referring to ways we most commonly think of engineering would be going into the Machu Picchu and the Inca’s. The way they built that whole town on the mountain took some engineering and thought. All in all engineering is more that just how things are being built in the modern era. You can also look at how our history has engineered us to the people we are today and the world that we live in.
This is an interesting way to define engineering. You thought is that it is more the way that we have evolved and become more advance? If so, I think this is kind of the way I think about it as well, in that it is a problem-solving discipline and it focuses on looking at the past, present and future.