Engineering is applying sciences, technology and using ideas to create ways to better civilizations. People start to engineer small and large objects when they see the need. There is evidence that dates back thousands of years where people have created and built things based on their needs. The Mayans and the Aztecs engineer their towns and villages around their needs and religious beliefs. In modern civilization we look to create things to help make life more efficient. In result of that we sometimes end up harming our environments, and to make up for that we begin to engineer even more. The things we have looked to engineer take a lot of time and energy but without having these things life would be much more difficult. Engineering is not only used to change what we have as a society, but to look at finds ways to better the world we live in.
I like the way you thought of engineering in this class. You hit the spot when you say “Engineering is not only used to change what we have as a society, but to look and find ways to better the world we live in.” I think that is a great line. Engineering is helping us live more efficiently and changing the world for the better.