Hello all! My name is Kyle Mitsunaga and I am a junior here at BSU. I am studying business finance. A little bit about me I grew up ironically here in Boise, Idaho. I then moved to Huntington Beach, California and went to jr high and high school. I played a lot of hockey growing up which is why I moved down there in the first place. After those year I ended up here back in Idaho and I still love it here in Boise. I think this influenced me a lot growing up, the main reason why I say this is because I moved out away from family to pursue my hockey career when I was 15 years old. Doing this really did change the way I looked at life. I grew up fast I like to believe, learning how to do all the things on my own was a big change. Most of all I would have to say I learned to respect my parents much more, not to say I didn’t before I moved out. Just to understand that they were giving apart of my childhood life away from them just to have me pursue my goals made me realize that they were sacrificing a lot.
Growing up my family was religious and still are. It was something that was just normal to me. Once I moved away I think that grew on me. Religion gave me something to do when I was away from family. Like I said above it just made me realize somethings that I didn’t when I had it all living with my parents. It’s something that will always stay with me and has influenced my life for the greater. I view things differently now, I treat people with respect because I feel that is something that everyone should deserve at the very least. It is who I am and it comes from what I’ve been through growing up as a kid playing a silly sport on ice. That is the little HISTORY about me!
Anyways that is a little about me, if you have questions just ask! I hope all of you have a great semester. Good luck with all of your classes. I am looking forward to working with all of you on our course site!
Hi Kyle, I’m excited to work with you and see how your experiences have shaped your point of view. I do find it funny that you moved closer to the equator to play a sport that thrives on ice. I hope to hear from you soon. Best of luck in this semester.
I know I get that a lot considering it’s warm down there almost all year. Anyways good luck to you as well. Looking forward hearing from you soon.