Hagia Sophia in English is translated as “Shrine of The Holy of God” (hagiasophia.com). We learn from the Wikipedia page that Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey. It is made up of brick and stands 180 feet tall, 240 feet wide, and stretching out to 269 feet in length. This amazing site used to be a church of God but is now turned into a museum. The topic that I picked was the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity is known to be the God of Christians in three different types; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now how does this relate to Hagia Sophia you may ask? Again referring to HagiaSophia.com “the monument was dedicated to the second person in the Holy Trinity in December 25th”. The second person would be the Son of the Holy Trinity. Being a Christian myself I grew up knowing about the Holy Trinity and how it relates to the religion its self, but also what it can mean personally from one person to another. In this case Hagia Sophia was one of a couple other churches I believe during the old times that wasn’t knocked down. In other words Hagia Sophia is the only one still standing, regarding any maintenance done to the building it is still authentic and still get that religious vibe. The Holy Trinity is very important to Christians and Hagia Sophia being a Christian building they both relate to one another. This is a historical site that many Christians will go to experience, nevertheless a tourist spot that is worth your while seeing since it is the only one still standing.
“Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya).” Hagia Sophia. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
“Faith In Action Contest – The Holy Trinity.” Faith In Action Contest – The Holy Trinity.
Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
“Hagia Sophia.” Facts –. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 31 Jan. 2016.
Did you happen to find in your readings whether or not the Holy Trinity is used in all religions? (Muslim, Judaism) Or is it just Christianity and Catholicism?
Muslim don’t because they do not believe in God as the son. Where as in Christianity God is the Father Son and Holy Sprit.