History needed:
1) Knowing the culture that is using water along with their habits with water use. This is important since cultures are so different, there could be habits that might need to be addressed. The issue could be the habits are rooted in religion.
2) History that would also be needed would be the past to present political issue. If there is a conflict in the region I would recommend they build a water treatment I would prefer it not to get attack ever.
3) Lastly knowing where funds are going to will help decide what water system would be best for them.
If I could go back in time to the middle east I would worried based off of the time period. The reason for a bit of fear is if I jump back only ten years there wouldn’t be a decent solution due to the fact that conflicts have already been accuring. To start off, I would be talking about Syria and the water solutions with why they would be best. The reason for this pick was due to what seems to be the country with the worst water distribution system. Secondly I feel that there is some frame work already in place with Syria’s water system but based off of what I have researched recently, along with some of the articles, its infrastructure is fragmented. So let’s get to it, I took the liberty to bring up a common method brought up in many years ago and why it didn’t work. The main plan was to take water from the Jordan, and pipe it down to Syria. Sounds perfect right? Well the issue is they already are doing this, the plan was to actually move the location farther north above where other major cities get water. Kind of confusing I know, Syria’s plan was to take water from all cities before they had the chance to get water from their water pumping location is more south of where Syria will move it to.
What I would recommend is a waste water treatment facility. This water structure would be somewhat of a fix since it would build off of existing water pipes and would provide a set amount of water for agriculture, without using more water to fuel agriculture.
My desired location to look up will be google scholar, Albertsons library and UN accredited websites. The reason for the last pick is the UN has a lot of information on almost all situations going on, surprisingly they release most of this information on websites and other mediums with little bias.
I really enjoyed your article. I to listed similar information that I would like to see if this became a research paper.
It was interesting to hear about the research you did on Syria’s current water system and what they were thinking of doing to fix the current problem, which you are correct I think that is very confusing and do not see how they could possibly think that would work.
I like your idea of a wastewater treatment facility and that it would build off of the existing structure. I know costs is always a key issue and this would be extremely helpful.
Do you think that the current leadership would accept your recommendation?
I thought you brought some good insight. Especially with the wastewater facility and how they could use it for agriculture. I would have to say the information that you found about Syria I thought was pretty interesting and impressive what you found. Good job.