At the very end of part one on page 109 H.H Holmes writes; “ I was born with the devil in me, I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.” I think this quote from Holmes points out the belief he has for himself as being nothing but what he was born to be. He doesn’t fight with his “demons”, as some other murders might, he accepts them as being part of him, being part of what makes him great and charismatic. The same way that the many demons make Chicago the city it is.
Daniel Burnham- on page 128 Erik Larson brings up the abundance of letters Burnham has been sending his wife. He wrote to his wife; “You must not think thus hurry of my life will last forever. I shall stop after the worlds fair, I have made up my mind to this.” I think that Burnham holds strong in his value and beliefs of family and this is shown so far throughout the book. I do think though that it could be argued that he is losing that value with the more time and effort he gives to the world fair. Erik Larson in the same passages makes note of how close Burnham and his wife actually are in distance and how easy it could be to go home.
On page 120 and 121 When Charles Atwood is introduced, I think that introducing him as an opium addict, is clearly drawing a line between the values of Burnham and Atwood. Erik Larson describes him as having “black gun-muzzled eyes”, shortly after explaining the darkness of his eyes by his opium addiction. As an opium addict I think that his values and beliefs are completely opposite from that of Burnham, aside from the fact that either would do anything to get the high. For Atwood that is opium, for Burnham that is the satisfaction the finished fair with provide him.
I really enjoyed your post and your interpretation of Charles Atwood and the contrast between Burnham. I also agree that it depicts Burnham initially as a family man but the fair has started to take over his life and he is neglecting his family.
The quote you chose for Holmes sends shivers down my spine. It is a great interpetation of this and what is possibly meant by it.