Step 1: The object is rectangular approximately three by four inches. It is made of thin pink polka dotted material, smooth save for the the dull teethed edges of the package on both shorter sides. A small trip of adhesed material lays on top of the package where the wet wipes held in the internal compartment can be withdrawn. The wet wipes themselves are a stark white square of cloth damp as the name suggests. They are accompanied by a generic light floral scent.
Step 2: based on the soft material of the wipe and the words ‘face and hand’ on the front i can synthesis that this product is used to wipe soft areas of the body . The damp nature of the cloth saturated with solution leads one to believe that the object can be used to remove substances that are commonly found on the hands and face, dirt, food, sweat. The airy floral scent is gentle enough that i think the object can be used on a variety of skin types, ages and genders. It’s compact container infers its is made for the ability to travel around without taking up to much room suggesting that though it was found in my bathroom it could as easily have been found in a bag or car.
- Questions
are these chemical environmentally safe?
are there other uses besides personal grooming for this object?
can its anti-bactirial nature be harmful to its user with prolonged and repeated exposure?
This piece examines the nature and abundances of anti-bactirial products such as face and hand cleaners. Talking about the possiblitity of the products being responsibly for the abismal state of the collective human immune systems.
Opstrup, M. S., Johansen, J. D., Bossi, R., Lundov, M. D., & Garvey, L. H. (2015). Chlorhexidine in cosmetic products – a market survey. Contact Dermatitis (01051873), 72(1), 55-58. doi:10.1111/cod.12298
the article describes the potential harm of chlorhexidina, a chemical often found in cosmetic products. The article specifically looks at how the chemical can cause irritations and different levels of allergic reactions do to exposure.
The article you introduced as bringing up the chemical hazards in the product is interesting. It is always interesting to me how as a society there are things that people worry so much about, chemical/health wise, and other things that people don’t really think twice about. Though I know there are a lot more natural products being introduced.